Everyone Health delivers a free healthy eating and lifestyle programme to children and young people aged 5 – 19 called Alive ‘N’ kicking. This programme is also available to those up to the age of 25 who have special educational needs or disability (SEND).
About the Alive ‘N’ Kicking Programme
We understand that it is challenging for families to stay on track with their healthy eating and fitness goals. Our programmes are run by nutritionist and physical activity specialist who will work with you and support you to make long-term healthy changes as a family. Eating and drinking well can be a fun experience and it can also help children and young people developing a love of good and healthy food as well as develop some social skills.
Due to coronavirus restriction our team have adapted the ANK service to support people virtually via video calls and telephone.
What we offer?
Tailored one-to-one support and weekly interactive webinars and posts on healthy eating and physical activity via Facebook and Instagram.
Inclusive non-judgemental environment and a family-friendly and flexible timetable that is tailored to families’ individual needs.
Topics covered over the 6 to 8 weeks:
- Eatwell guide and balancing what we eat – to help families to get a balance of healthier and more sustainable food.
- Portion sizes and regular meal planning – guidance on what, how much and how often we should eat
- Mindful eating and managing triggers – to understand what cause certain behaviours and be able to identify individual triggers
- Keeping active and having good sleep – explore ideas to increase activity levels and develop bedtime routine to promote quality sleep
- Understanding food labels and sugary drinks – so that families can identify ingredients on food labels such as sugar, fat, salt, and can make healthier choices
- Healthy cooking methods, cooking on a budget – enjoyable activities that can be done at home such as weekly recipe challenges to develop practical skills and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Alive ‘N’ Kicking was fun! I have learned a lot from this programme. I used to make poor breakfast choices and our portion sizes were far too big. We really enjoyed the portion sizes session. I realised we were eating way too much of everything and needed to cut down. We also learned some strategies, such as setting up the food environment to encourage healthy eating by limiting chocolate, cakes, sweets and having more fruits and vegetables at home.
Happy mum and her 5-year-old daughter
Who can join?
Children and young people can attend with their family if they fall on or above the 91st centile of the BMI chart of their age. To calculate the BMI and centile of your child please use the NHS Healthy Weight Calculator
If you would like to refer a child to Alive ‘N’ Kicking please either:
To make a referral please email [email protected]
Phone us on 07849 092 185
Self-referral Families and young people can also self-refer via email [email protected]
or call/text 07849 092 185,
via Facebook (direct message) https://www.facebook.com/EHHackney
or Instagram (direct message) @AliveNkicking_
Hackney December Newsletter 2020Alive ‘N’ Kicking programme helped us to make better food choices, portion size and increase our activity level. We feel healthier now. I know my daughter and I still have a long way to go, but I feel more confident and positive about the future
Mum and her 10-year old daughter