Stop Smoking

What is it?

While its great news that smoking rates among adults are consistently on the decline, there is still significant work to do in order to try and remove this incredibly dangerous habit out of society completely.

According to the most recent study, 15.8% of UK adults aged over 18 smoke – an improvement over the 20.1% that smoked in 2010 – but still representing approximately 7.6 million people in 2016. Everyone Health’s smoking cessation services are aimed at this significant proportion of the UK adult population and are designed to ensure that all service users not only quit smoking in the short term, but deliver permanent lifestyle and behaviour change, meaning they’re never tempted back.

Our highly-trained team of experts provide service users with advice, support and encouragement on how best to go about quitting smoking for good, something which studies show they’re four times more likely to do if you make use of both the specialist support and medication we offer.

The service includes one-to-one support from our experts to the service user, as well as 12 weekly group sessions to help deliver permanent behavioural change. Furthermore, each service user will also benefit from a bespoke programme that has been tailored to each of their individual needs. This includes advice on choosing the right smoking cessation medication for the service user, as well as how best to deal with cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Service users can make appointments to see their advisor through their local GP practices, pharmacies and other community locations throughout the local area, meaning support is always within reach.

Furthermore, we also have a dedicated phone line that’s contactable on 0333 005 0095, meaning service users can talk to an adviser whenever they need to, especially if they feel their resolve weakening.


The National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) have product a set of informative and real life videos around SWITCHING from smoking cigerettes to vaping.

Further videos can be found on their You Tube Channel

NCSCT YouTube   

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