Menthol cigarettes are banned following the introduction of new anti-smoking laws. Introduced on the 20th May it is now an offence for manufacturers to produce Menthol cigarettes and an offence for retailers to sell them. The ban is part of a government drive to deter young people from taking up smoking, as they are thought to
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Turn Ash Into Cash
Smoking is not only bad for your health; it is an expensive habit to have. You may well be surprised how much your habit is costing you.A packet of 20 cigarettes costs £12.78, so an average smoker, smoking 10 cigarettes a day will save a whopping £197 a month. That’s more than £2367. 00 a
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Smoke Damaged Lungs Can Heal
If you’ve tried to quit smoking before but couldn’t find the motivation scientists have just found the ultimate reason. Research in the journal Nature shows that lungs have a “magical” ability to repair some of the damage caused by smoking if you stop smoking completely. It was originally believed that the damage caused by smoking
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Stoptober 2019
Stoptober is back! Stoptober gives you the opportunity to quit for 28 days. Stoptober has driven over 1 million quit attempts to date. Public Health England have started “It is based on research that shows that if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to stay smokefree for good”. This
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Young People and Smoking
People start smoking for many different reasons. Some people start because they’re curious, because their mates smoke, or they’re bored. Others think it will help them look more attractive, fit in with their friends or that it will help them get through rough times. No one smokes their first cigarette thinking that they’ll become a
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Pregnancy and Smoking
Protecting your baby from tobacco smoke is one of the best things you can do to give your child a healthy start in life. It can be difficult to stop smoking, but it’s never too late to quit. Every cigarette you smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, so smoking when you are pregnant harms your unborn baby.
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Smoking and Others
When people smoke, everyone around them is exposed to harmful second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke contains over 4000 chemicals and anyone that breathes it in is at risk of developing the same diseases as smokers. More than 80% of second-hand smoke is invisible and odourless and even though you can’t see it or smell it, it
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Why Quit?
Quitting smoking can have a positive effect on your health and you in many different ways. You will reduce your risk of developing illness, disability or death caused by cancer, heart or lung disease Your breathing and general fitness will improve You will have more energy You will less stressed The appearance of your skin
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An estimated 2.9 million adults in Great Britain currently use electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and of these 1.5 million people have completely stopped smoking cigarettes. The evidence suggests that e-cigarettes carry a fraction of the risk of cigarettes and can be particularly effective when combined with extra quitting support from your local stop smoking service. An
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Ways to Quit
Whether you quit smoking using traditional medication or an e-cigarette, evidence shows that you have a much better chance of quitting with the support of your stop smoking service. Cigarettes contain nicotine and by regularly smoking over a period of time, your body becomes dependent on it. Giving up smoking can cause nicotine withdrawal symptoms,
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